End To End Optimal & Cost Efficient Transport Solutions with APA Cargo Services in Romania

30-01-2023 Featuring: APA Cargo Services SRL

Introducing APA Cargo Services SRL who have joined DigiFreight as our new representative in Romania.

The company have passed our strict entry procedure and received fantastic references!

"We perfectly understand the importance of timely deliveries and the need for a unique client-centric approach, providing therefore personalised solutions in order to meet each customer’s specific demands." APA Cargo Services SRL

Members are now able to connect to APA Cargo Services SRL via our Meeting Hub – see more.

Remember! DigiFreight will only approve 2 freight forwarders per country so that we foster a close network of agents.

We aim to provide our Members with all they need to expand their global network of trusted cargo partners so that they receive an upsurge in business.
